Whether it is racism, differing political views or whether or not it is disrespectful for NFL players to take a knee during the national anthem, Americans are upset. And don't get me wrong, people have a right to be upset about important issues. But I have realized that even though people go on the various social media outlets and post about their anger towards the different situation, no one is actually doing anything.
I can understand using social media accounts to spread awareness for issues. I applaud that. But what I don't understand is people going on social media outlets and spreading hate or complaining about issues without actually doing anything about them. Every time that I log into my Facebook account, I see at least a dozen posts from various people talking about how our country is in trouble. But often times, they are complaining about other people. They say things like, "If only these people thought the way that I thought, things would be better" or "If only these people would stop acting the way that I don't want them to, the world would be a better place".
I recognize that there are tons of people in our country that are not acting the way that they should. But berating people that you don't know on Facebook doesn't do anything to solve the actual problem. Why don't people focus on the man in the mirror instead? Why don't people stop waiting for other people to make changes and make changes themselves instead? Posting your annoyances on Facebook is literally the least that you can do to make change. I guarantee that absolutely nothing will happen. But you know what can happen? You can start making positive changes in your life and start doing your best to make the lives of others better.
Social media was created to help people keep in touch with their friends and to share your lives with others. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., are great outlets for spreading awareness of issues as well. But it isn't an outlet for you to cram your political opinions down my throat. It is not an acceptable place to bash the opinions of others just because they disagree with you. It is not a platform for you to whine about how the world is unfair even though you are doing nothing to change it.
Look at the man in the mirror and realize that change truly does start with you. If you're unhappy with the political climate, get involved. If you're unhappy with how Americans are treating each other, make sure that you do your part to teach your children what acceptable behavior is and then be an example of that when you're interacting with others.
I get so tired of being disheartened by all of the hate and negativity that seems to appear on my newsfeed every time that I log onto my social media outlets. How about instead we choose kindness? We choose to get involved? We choose to make a difference and stop waiting for others to do it for us? Stop holding your breath waiting for others to make the changes that you are capable of making yourself.
Our country might be divided right now, on multiple issues. But you know what? It doesn't have to stay that way. At the end of the day, we are the United States and it is time to show the world that that's who we truly are, people who are united. We are a country made up of people with different views, different religions, different ways of life. But that's the beauty of it, that we have the freedom to be whoever we want to be and think whatever we want to think. And if we're unhappy with something about our country, we have the freedom to change it. So look yourself in the mirror and evaluate what you're doing. There's an old saying that claims, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem". In this case, that is definitely true. Standing by and doing nothing does not solve the problem; it only adds to it.
At the end of the day, no matter what we're dealing with in this country, I love it and I am incredibly proud to be an American. And my husband is fighting for our country right now and for your freedom. He is fighting for your right to live whatever life you want to live. So respect his sacrifice and the sacrifice of countless other men and women. Make this country as strong as it can be by choosing to be the best person that you can be.
Be the change that you want to see in the world. It all starts with you. Instead of being divided by hate, let's be united by love. Let's all do our part to change the world.
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