There is no doubt that body image issues are running rampant all over the world. The pressure to fit into that size zero pair of jeans or be wrinkle-free only seems to get worse with time. It seems like natural beauty just isn´t good enough anymore or that it´s a thing of the past and that´s pretty sad.
Part of the beauty of going through life is the changes that people experience and that includes things like changing body sizes and getting wrinkles. I have actually always prided myself on being someone that appreciated the beauty of a clean face or imperfect body. I rarely ever wear make-up, I refuse to pay full price for clothing (no matter how sexy it will make me look or who designed it) and I believe in the process of aging gracefully.
See, my theory is that, essentially, we are all the same. That means that we all came into this world the same way (as babies, of course) and we are all leaving the same way (as bones and dust). We are all equal and it doesn´t matter if your younger sister is the skinny one or you struggle with acne everyday. You are beautiful and you need to remember that.
Remember when I said that life would be boring if we all knew everything that was going to happen? Well, basically the same theory applies for this topic as well. Life would be boring if we all looked the same as everyone else. People strive to look like the models on magazines covers and help spread the idea that only one type of beauty is acceptable and it´s quite sick. The beauty industry spends millions of dollars every year trying to tell us what is beautiful and it´s basically brainwashing. ¨If you´re not a size 0, then you´re fat,¨ or ¨If you are starting to wrinkle at 30, your face needs fixing.¨ It´s disgusting, untrue and unfortunately, popular.
No matter how many people know the root goal of these magazines is to trick you into buying what they want you to buy or look the way that they want you to look, people buy into them. The consequence immediately becomes them stressing to be someone that they are not or self-loathing. The sad part is that it doesn´t only affect older people, it affects the younger generation, too. Too many girls become obsessed with wanting to be models when they grow up. In my opinion, careers where they put their minds to better use should be more glorified. How about we put doctors, engineers and lawyers on those magazines and see how well they sell? The sad thing is, they probably won´t sell nearly as well.
So let´s say that you´re a thirty-something year old woman with 3 kids, gray hair and a few wrinkles. Let´s say that you look in the mirror every day and wish that you were that twenty-something year old with beautiful blonde hair and a size 4 waist. Right there is your problem. You need to look at the beautiful person that you have become and love that person for who they are. Yearning for something that you feel that you can´t have or have again is completely unhealthy. Learn to love the woman that everyone else in your life loves just the way that she is. So what if you can´t lose your baby weight like some celebrity did in 3 weeks? Who cares? You don´t regret having children and that baby weight is a constant reminder of the beautiful life and miracle that you brought into the world. The same idea applies for the other bodily issues stated above. Embrace it. Own it. Love it.
Easier said that done, I know. You have to train your brain to believe and think what you want it to. It´s tough but it´s possible. You can trust me. If you take me for example, I´m not overweight. I´m actually a size 3, in case you were wondering. But even though I am very pleased with my body weight, I have issues too. I suffer from a large amount of acne on my face quite frequently, most pairs of jeans don´t fit me because I have a big butt, and my eyebrows are bushy. Truly, I could go on and on. But the difference is that now when
I look into the mirror every day and see a beautiful, strong, confident person.
I look into the mirror every day and see a beautiful, strong, confident person.
Now, if you want to feel that way, I have a theory that may be able to help you out. It´s a little thing that I like to call ¨The Love Yourself Project¨ or ¨The Sticky Note Project.¨ You can pick your preference. When I was in middle school, my drama teacher, Mr. Dow (R.I.P) said that ¨repetition is the key to retention.¨ So one day that got me thinking. Basically, it means that if you read or say the same thing over and over, you´ll start to believe it. That statement inspired me to start this project.
It´s a very simple, yet very effective idea. I filled out multiple sticky notes with different sayings, quotes and affirmations that made me feel good about myself or inspired me. Then I stuck them to my bedroom mirror, a place that I knew that I would look at every day. So every day, I see them and read them to myself. Eventually, I started to believe them and now I have no doubts.
By no means am I saying that sticky notes will solve every single problem in your life but they will help you to feel more confident. Confidence is attractive in people and therefore, is sexy. Beauty is not something narrow that can only be obtained by certain people. In fact, it´s just the opposite. It is in every person but it´s mostly about loving yourself and how you carry yourself/present yourself to the world.
Everyone is different and therefore, everyone is beautiful. Not everyone may appreciate just how beautiful, wonderful or special that you are but that is their problem, not yours. Remember that. Put the power back into your hands and take it out of the beauty industry. Also, remember that nobody is better than you are because deep down we are all the same. They might not see it that way but hey... sounds like life to me.
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