Now this topic is pretty heavy and can be used in a variety of different ways. However, seeing as how one of my biggest problems is that I'm a control freak, I'll stick with that. :)
I want to control everything. I can't help it. It literally drives me insane to have to wait for anything, especially when I believe that I can do it better or quicker myself. It just makes me feel better because I tend to let stress get to me quite a lot. So over this past year, I've had to do a lot of growing up and soul-searching and through this process, I have learned that there are way too many things in the world that I can't control, so I should just let them all go.
Stressing over things that I can't control is silly and it does damage to my health. I get sick very easily and when I'm stressed, I get so run-down that it makes me sick, which only makes things worse. Yet, I still do it. So rather than let myself continue to get sick or stress out so much that I can't sleep at night, I have had to learn that worry about things that are out of my hands only causes me to create unrealistic scenarios in my head of what "might" happen. I don't know the future, so I should stop worrying about what "might" happen and focus on what is happening.
Although this is a tough lesson to learn, I have to learn it nonetheless. I have started to grasp the concept but it hasn't fully sunken in yet. But one day it will and I'm sure that it'll end up making me a lot happier. Plus, I'm sure it'll make my husband happier if his wife isn't so uptight and high-strung. ;)
This is my 50th blog post! I can't believe it! It's crazy how fast time flies when you love what you're doing! Thanks to everyone that has been with me so far! It means the world!
My Second Blog
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