
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Blog Challenge, Day 16: My "Lot in Life"

I was a little confused by the explanation for today's challenge but I think that I basically got the gist of it. Basically, you have to write about the difficult people or difficult everyday challenges that you face and how you overcome them. I'm very lucky that I have a supportive and loving family, so I don't really have to worry about overcoming any challenges with them. As far as obstacles go, my biggest challenge is dealing with my arm injuries.

It's really hard to explain what is wrong with my shoulders but basically, they are deteriorating at a fast pace. I can't lift things, I have difficulty pushing things, doing everyday things is not easy for me. Luckily, my family is really accommodating and they help me out but I'm stubborn and I like to do things myself. So, sometimes I push myself a bit too far and end up putting myself in severe pain. However, I have gotten better about knowing my limits and listening to my body.

But at work, it's hard. At my job, there is a lot of scrubbing, lifting and repetitive motions that I have to do. Therefore, I end up hurting myself almost every night. Even when I ask other people for help, I always end up leaving work a little sore. It's okay. It's something that I've learned to live with; it just makes things like driving, typing, holding books, doing dishes, etc., really difficult and I have to do them at a slower pace.

I have to do whatever I can to preserve the use of my arms. It is a struggle everyday because you don't realize how much you need something or use something until you can't have it anymore. Before I was about, I wanna say 14 years old, I didn't have any issues with my shoulders. Now, I can't go a whole day without dislocating them or having to pop them back into the socket. However, it's so mundane and normal to me now, that I forget that it grosses some people out. So, it's not fun when you get dirty looks or looks of disgust when your arms pop out in public. But I digress, it is what it is.

My body is mine and I have to love it the way that it was given to me. I have been told that I could get a certain type of surgery for it but it would be temporary and I would have to get it once every few years. To me, it's not worth it because they say that recovery could take up to a year after the surgery. But it's not so bad. If the only real problem in my life is that I have some unavoidable pain, it's not so bad and hey... it sounds like life to me.

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