Dear Kristopher,
I know that we both are not perfect and I know that our journey together hasn't always been easy. But it has been as close to perfect as it possibly could've been. There have been many bumps along the road and I know that I caused a lot of them. Out of everything that I could apologize for, that is my biggest regret.
When we first started dating, we both had a lot of growing up to do. However, I was very set in my ways, very stubborn and not very reasonable. I held grudges and passed judgment on things that happened in your past, even things before we met because I saw things in black and white. I held onto those grudges and had a really hard time letting them go. It caused a really large strain on our relationship and made way for a lot of fights.
Through intense therapy and a long, thorough journey of self discovery, I learned that you can't hold onto the past, especially things that happened before we even got together. A person's teenage years are the times when people make the most mistakes and they start to become who they want to be, as it should be.
As someone who never went out on the weekends and didn't have a lot of friends, I didn't have the opportunities to make the same mistakes that everyone else did; therefore, it wasn't fair for me to place any judgment on you, to tell you how you should have lived your life or cause any unnecessary fights between us.
I am glad that I could get over my previous issues and learn to be a more accepting person. You shouldn't have had to put up with that. However, I am glad to be a person that still doesn't deserve you but strives everyday to change that. One day, I hope that I will deserve you and I hope that you forgive me for our rocky start to our relationship. Thank you for choosing me to spend the rest of your life with.
I love you,
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