
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blog Challenge, Day 12: What I Miss

Basically, as you can probably tell, the prompt for this challenge is to talk about something that you miss. I was going to write about my husband because I miss him more and more each day. However, I have written about him in many of my past blogs, so I figured that you guys would be a bit tired of reading about that by now. So, I have decided not to write about a person, but rather a time that I miss.

I'm a really silly, fun, young and energetic person. I proudly proclaim to the world that I'm a "Disnerd", I dance in public for strangers to watch and I say whatever crazy phrases just pop into my head. I personally believe that growing up is overrated and life is too short not to have fun every single day of your life. However, after you turn a certain age, I'd say about 13 years old, it seems as if it is socially unacceptable to be silly anymore.

Let me explain. This is not to say that when you are 14 years old, that you can't have any fun. It just seems to be about that age when people start judging you for it. "Aren't you a little old for that?" and "You still play with those things?" become phrases that we hear all of the time and we start to feel as if we should change our behavior to fit the molds of society as we begin to grow up and that's where I have a problem.

I miss the time when I could say whatever silly thing that I wanted, be crazy and fun, say that I love Disney and just be myself without anyone acting as if it was strange. When you're 4 years old and you ask your best friend if they want to watch The Little Mermaid with you, it's not strange; in fact, it's normal. However, when I, a 20-year-old married woman, ask my best friend to watch that movie, she looks at me if I have three heads.

I am going to be myself no matter what. I always have been but every day, I see myself coming more and more out of my shell and becoming more proud of who I am. However, it isn't as easy or socially acceptable for me to be that person anymore and I wish that it was. So, other than missing my husband, that's what I miss, a simpler time, when I could be myself without judgement and imagination was my only limitation.

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